How to force application to run without elevation on Windows 10/8/7/Vista
There are some programs that by default requires from the user to execute them with Administrator privileges (Also known as Elevation or 'Run As Administrator').
For example, RegEdit.exe of Windows operating system always requires to run it as Administrator.
However, it's possible to force a program that requires elevation to run without elevation.
Here's 4 different ways to run a program without elevation:
- You can set the __COMPAT_LAYER variable to RunAsInvoker and then run the desired program, for example:
cmd.exe /c "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RunAsInvoker && regedit.exe"
- You can use the AdvancedRun tool - in the 'Run As' combo-box
you have to choose 'Current User - Without UAC Elevation'
- You can use the AppCompatibilityView tool if you want to always
run a specific .exe file without elevation. You have to add the .exe file by dragging it to the AppCompatibilityView window and
then choose - Add Compatibility Option -> Run As Invoker.
- Use the RunWithoutElevation tool to run without
elevation from command-line, for example:
RunWithoutElevation.exe regedit.exe