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Windows 8 DLL File Information - authfwcfg.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 8, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Configuration Helper  
File Version: 6.2.9200.16384 (win8_rtm.120725-1247)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 366 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 2
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 2

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 336,896 Bytes 89.9% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00054000 2,560 Bytes 0.7% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x00055000 7,168 Bytes 1.9% Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00057000 1,536 Bytes 0.4% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00058000 25,600 Bytes 6.8% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

authfwcfg.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when authfwcfg.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, authfwcfg.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 518 190,584 Bytes 50.9%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 2 1,200 Bytes 0.3%
Total 520 191,784 Bytes 51.2%

Icons in this file

No icons found in this file


Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)

String ID String Text
11000 %1!s! Settings: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11001 State %1!s!
11002 Firewall Policy %1!s!
11003 LocalFirewallRules %1!s! LocalConSecRules %2!s! InboundUserNotification %3!s! RemoteManagement %4!s! UnicastResponseToMulticast %5!s!
11004 Logging:
11005 LogAllowedConnections %1!s! LogDroppedConnections %2!s! FileName %3!s! MaxFileSize %4!s!
11006 Main Mode:
11007 KeyLifetime %1!u!min,%2!u!sess SecMethods %3!s! ForceDH %4!s!
11008 IPsec:
11009 StrongCRLCheck %1!s! SAIdleTimeMin %2!s! DefaultExemptions %3!s! IPsecThroughNAT %4!s! AuthzUserGrp %5!s! AuthzComputerGrp %6!s! AuthzUserGrpTransport %7!s! AuthzComputerGrpTransport %8!s!
11010 StatefulFTP %1!s!
11011 StatefulPPTP %1!s!
11012 Policy Store %1!s!
11013 Domain Profile
11014 Private Profile
11015 Disabled
11016 Check
11017 Enforce
11018 Rule Name: %1!s! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11019 Description: %1!s!
11020 Enabled: %1!s!
11021 Profiles: %1!s!
11022 Type: %1!s!
11023 LocalTunnelEndpoint: %1!s!
11024 RemoteTunnelEndpoint: %1!s!
11025 InterfaceTypes: %1!s!
11026 Endpoint1: %1!s!
11027 Endpoint2: %1!s!
11028 Port1: %1!s!
11029 Port2: %1!s!
11030 Protocol: %1!s!
11031 Action: %1!s!
11032 Auth1: %1!s!
11033 Auth1PSK: %1!s!
11034 Auth1CAName: %1!s!
11035 Auth1CertMapping: %1!s!
11036 Auth1ExcludeCAName: %1!s!
11037 Auth1HealthCert: %1!s!
11038 Auth2: %1!s!
11039 Auth2CAName: %1!s!
11040 Auth2CertMapping: %1!s!
11041 Auth2HealthCert: %1!s!
11042 MainModeSecMethods: %1!s!
11043 MainModeKeyLifetime: %1!u!min,%2!u!sess
11044 QuickModeSecMethods: %1!s!
11045 QuickModePFS: %1!s!
11046 Current Profile
11047 N/A (GPO-store only)
11048 Deleted %1!u! rule(s).
11049 Updated %1!u! rule(s).
11050 Mode: %1!s!
11051 Rule Name: %1!s! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11052 Description: %1!s!
11053 Grouping: %1!s!
11054 Enabled: %1!s!
11055 Profiles: %1!s!
11056 LocalIP: %1!s!
11057 RemoteIP: %1!s!
11058 LocalPort: %1!s!
11059 RemotePort: %1!s!
11060 Protocol: %1!s!
11061 Program: %1!s!
11062 Service: %1!s!
11063 InterfaceTypes: %1!s!
11064 RemoteComputerGroup: %1!s!
11065 RemoteUserGroup: %1!s!
11066 Security: %1!s!
11067 Action: %1!s!
11068 Main Mode SA at %1!s! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11069 Local IP Address: %1!s!
11070 Remote IP Address: %1!s!
11071 Auth1: %1!s!
11072 Auth2: %1!s!
11073 MM Offer: %1!s!
11074 Cookie Pair:
11075 Health Cert: %1!s!
11076 Quick Mode SA at %1!s! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11077 Local IP Address: %1!s!
11078 Remote IP Address: %1!s!
11079 Local Port: %1!s!
11080 Remote Port: %1!s!
11081 Protocol: %1!s!
11082 Direction: %1!s!
11083 QM Offer: %1!s!
11084 Deleted %1!u! SA(s).
11085 Dynamic Store
11086 Skipped deleting %1!u! dynamic rule(s) because they did not originate from the dynamic store.
11087 Not Configured
11088 The %1!s! MainMode settings in the specified GPO store cannot be shown because they have not been configured.
11089 The following GPOs were found with the name "%1!s!":
11090 Use one of these GPO IDs to identify the desired GPO.
11091 PFS: %1!s!
11092 KeyLifetime %1!s! SecMethods %2!s! ForceDH %3!s!
11093 Access Denied
11094 Skipped updating %1!u! dynamic rule(s) because they did not originate from the dynamic store.
11095 Public Profile
11096 Generate Consec Rules: %1!s!
11097 Type Code
11098 %1!-4s! %2!-4s!
11099 Edge traversal: %1!s!
11100 Direction: %1!s!
11101 Auth1 Local ID: %1!s!
11102 Auth1 Remote ID: %1!s!
11104 None
11105 Never
11106 Server behind NAT
11107 Server and client behind NAT
11110 Allow
11111 Block
11112 Bypass
11118 Global
11120 Local
11121 Store
11122 Enable
11123 Disable
11125 RequireInRequestOut
11126 RequestInRequestOut
11127 RequireInRequireOut
11128 NoAuthentication
11129 DHGroup1
11130 DHGroup2
11131 DHGroup14
11132 ECDHP256
11133 ECDHP384
11134 MainMode
11135 Dynamic
11136 Static
11137 Tunnel
11138 Transport
11139 Both
11140 ComputerKerb
11141 ComputerCert
11142 ComputerPSK
11143 ComputerNTLM
11144 Anonymous
11145 UserCert
11146 UserKerb
11147 UserNTLM
11148 3DES
11150 AES128
11151 AES192
11152 AES256
11154 SHA1
11157 ICMPv4
11158 ICMPv6
11161 NeighborDiscovery
11162 ICMP
11163 Authenticate
11164 AuthEnc
11165 NotRequired
11166 Wireless
11169 Domain
11170 Private
11171 Public
11172 BlockInbound
11173 BlockInboundAlways
11174 AllowInbound
11175 BlockOutbound
11176 AllowOutbound
11181 %umin
11182 %ukb
11183 Auth2 Local ID: %1!s!
11184 Auth2 Remote ID: %1!s!
11185 %1!02x!
11186 ComputerCertECDSAP256
11187 ComputerCertECDSAP384
11188 UserCertECDSAP256
11189 UserCertECDSAP384
11190 AESGCM128
11191 AESGCM192
11192 AESGCM256
11193 SHA256
11194 SHA384
11195 AESGCM128
11196 AESGCM192
11197 AESGCM256
11198 AESGMAC128
11199 AESGMAC192
11200 AESGMAC256
11201 Auth1ECDSAP256CAName: %1!s! Auth1ECDSAP256CertMapping: %2!s! Auth1ECDSAP256ExcludeCAName: %3!s! Auth1ECDSAP256CertType: %4!s! Auth1ECDSAP256HealthCert: %5!s!
11202 Auth1ECDSAP384CAName: %1!s! Auth1ECDSAP384CertMapping: %2!s! Auth1ECDSAP384ExcludeCAName: %3!s! Auth1ECDSAP384CertType: %4!s! Auth1ECDSAP384HealthCert: %5!s!
11203 Auth2ECDSAP256CAName: %1!s! Auth2ECDSAP256CertMapping: %2!s! Auth2ECDSAP256CertType: %3!s! Auth2ECDSAP256HealthCert: %4!s!
11204 Auth2ECDSAP384CAName: %1!s! Auth2ECDSAP384CertMapping: %2!s! Auth2ECDSAP384CertType: %3!s! Auth2ECDSAP384HealthCert: %4!s!
11205 Auth2ECDSAP256CAName: %1!s! Auth2ECDSAP256CertMapping: %2!s! Auth2ECDSAP256CertType: %3!s!
11206 Auth2ECDSAP384CAName: %1!s! Auth2ECDSAP384CertMapping: %2!s! Auth2ECDSAP384CertType: %3!s!
11207 %1!s!: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11208 %1!s!
11209 AuthDynEnc
11210 BootTimeRuleCategory %1!s! FirewallRuleCategory %2!s! StealthRuleCategory %3!s! ConSecRuleCategory %4!s!
11211 Windows Firewall
11212 Categories:
11213 Rule Name: %1!s! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11214 Description: %1!s!
11215 Profiles: %1!s!
11216 KeyLifetime: %1!u!min,%2!u!sess
11217 Endpoint1: %1!s!
11218 Endpoint2: %1!s!
11219 Auth1: %1!s!
11220 Auth1PSK: %1!s!

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
GetResourceString InitHelperDll


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: