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Windows 8 DLL File Information - p2pnetsh.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 8, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Peer-to-Peer NetSh Helper  
File Version: 6.2.9200.16384 (win8_rtm.120725-1247)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 206 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 1
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 1

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 179,712 Bytes 85.2% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x0002d000 8,192 Bytes 3.9% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x00030000 5,632 Bytes 2.7% Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00032000 1,536 Bytes 0.7% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00033000 14,848 Bytes 7.0% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

p2pnetsh.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when p2pnetsh.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, p2pnetsh.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 251 35,906 Bytes 17.0%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 2 1,128 Bytes 0.5%
Total 253 37,034 Bytes 17.6%

Icons in this file

No icons found in this file


Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)

String ID String Text
7201 Starts split detection and repair.
7202 Usage: %1!s! [cloud=]<cloud name> Parameters: cloud - The cloud which should start split detection and repair. Remarks: Starts a split detection and, if necessary, a repair. Examples: repair Global_
7203 Displays Information.
7204 Sets configuration parameters.
7205 Displays list of clouds.
7206 Usage: %1!s! [[cloud=] <cloud name>] Parameters: cloud - The clouds that should be displayed. Default is all Clouds. Remarks: Displays list of clouds. Examples: show list Global_ show list
7207 Displays cloud bootstrap configuration/status.
7208 Usage: %1!s! [[cloud=]{ * | <cloud name>}] Parameters: cloud - The cloud whose bootstrap/configuration information should be displayed. * for all clouds, default is Global_. Remarks: Displays cloud bootstrap configuration/status. Examples: show initialization cloud=Global_ show initialization *
7209 Displays cloud statistics.
7210 Usage: %1!s! [[cloud=]{ * | <cloud name>}] Parameters: cloud - The cloud whose statistics should be displayed. Default is all Clouds. Remarks: Displays cloud statistics. Examples: show statistics Global_
7211 Displays locally registered names.
7212 Usage: %1!s! [[cloud=]{ * | <cloud name>}] Parameters: cloud - The cloud from which the list of locally registered names should be displayed. Default is all Clouds Remarks: Displays locally registered names. Examples: show names cloud=Global_ show names
7213 Starts a cloud.
7214 Usage: %1!s! [cloud=]<cloud name> Parameters: cloud - The cloud which should be started. Remarks: Starts a cloud. Examples: start Global_
7215 Synchronizes a cloud.
7216 Synchronizes a cloud with a specified host.
7217 Usage: %1!s! [host=]<host name> [cloud=]<cloud name> Parameters: host - the host with which to synchronize. cloud - The cloud which should be synchronized. Remarks: Synchronizes a cloud with a specified host. Examples: synchronize host host1 Global_
7218 Synchronizes a cloud with its seed server.
7219 Usage: %1!s! [cloud=]<cloud name> Parameters: cloud - The cloud which should be synchronized. Remarks: Synchronizes a cloud with its seed server. Examples: synchronize seed Global_
7220 Resolves a peer name with path tracing.
7221 Usage: %1!s! [peername =]<peer name> [cloud=]<cloud name> Parameters: peername - <canonical pnrp name>|<dns-encoded pnrp name> cloud - The cloud where the resolve should happen. Remarks: Resolves a peer name with path tracing. Examples: traceroute peername=0.0 Global_ traceroute 0.anyname Global_
7227 Pings pnrp nodes.
7230 Pings the configured seed server. It attempts to ping 6 times.
7231 Usage: %1!s! [cloud=]<cloud name> Parameters: cloud - The cloud for the seed server ping. Remarks: Pings the configured seed server. Examples: ping seed Global_
7232 Pings a node based on address.
7233 Usage: %1!s! [host=]{<ip address> | <host name>} [cloud=]<cloud name> Parameters: cloud - The cloud for the host ping. Remarks: Pings a node by specifying an address or a host name Examples: ping host myhost Global_
7234 Registers a peer name.
7235 Usage: %1!s! [peername=]<peer name> [cloud=]<cloud name> [[comment]=<comment>] Parameters: peername - <canonical pnrp name>|<dns-encoded pnrp name> cloud - The cloud where the name should be registered. Default is all Clouds. comment - The comment that should be registered for the name. Remarks: Registers a peer name. Examples: add registration peername=0.0 add registration 0.0 Global_
7236 Unregisters peer names.
7237 Usage: %1!s! [peername=]{ * | <peer name>} [cloud=]<cloud name> Parameters: peername - <canonical pnrp name>|<dns-encoded pnrp name> cloud - The cloud from which the name should be unregistered. Default is all Clouds. Remarks: Unregisters peer names. Examples: delete registration * delete registration peername=0.0 cloud=Global_
7238 Lists registered peer names.
7239 Usage: %1!s! [[cloud=]<cloud name>] Parameters: cloud - The cloud whose registered names should be displayed. Default is all Clouds. Remarks: List peer names registered by this instance of netsh. Examples: show registration cloud=Global_
7240 Resolves a peer name.
7241 Usage: %1!s! [peername =]<peer name> [[cloud=]<cloud name>] Parameters: peername - <canonical pnrp name>|<dns-encoded pnrp name> cloud - The cloud where the resolve should happen. Default is all Clouds. Remarks: Resolves a peer name. Examples: resolve peername=0.0 cloud=Global_ resolve 0.anyname
7242 Displays identity list.
7243 Usage: %1!s! { ALL | <identity P2PID> } Remarks: Shows identity information.
7244 Displays identities and group list.
7245 Usage: %1!s! { <identity P2PID> | ALL } [ EXPIRED ] Remarks: Shows identity and related group information.
7246 Displays identity statistics.
7247 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Shows count of identities and associated groups.
7248 Displays identity-related info.
7249 Deletes identities and groups.
7250 Deletes identities.
7251 Usage: %1!s! { <identity P2PID> | ALL } [ QUIET ] Remarks: Deletes identities.
7252 Deletes groups from identities.
7253 Usage: %1!s! <identity P2PID> { <group P2PID> | ALL | EXPIRED } Remarks: Deletes groups from identities.
7254 Shows configuration information for the PNRP machine name publication service
7255 usage: no paramaters for this command.
7256 Sets configuration information for the PnrpAutoReg service
7257 Usage: netsh p2p pnrp peer set machinename [[name=]<PeerName>] [[publish=]Start|Stop] [[autopublish=]enable|disable] Parameters: Tag Value name - The name to use as the machine name. If value is null, a secured name will be automatically generated. publish - If set to 'start' will cause the name to start being published immediately. If set to 'stop', will stop the publication of the name. autopublish - Will set whether or not automatic publication is enabled. When autopublish is enabled, the machine automatically begins publishing the name at boot. Remarks: This command allows the user to control the publication of a Peer Name for the machine using the Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP). If you use this functionality, it will allow you to resolve the Peer Name of the this machine from other remote machines subject to network reachability. If you start publication through this command without setting a name, then a secured name will be automatically generated for you and will be visible through the 'show machinename' command. Example: set machinename publish=start autopublish=enable
7258 Flushes Cache entries.
7259 Usage: %1!s! [cloud=]<cloud name> Parameters: cloud - The cloud whose cache entries should be flushed. Remarks: Flushes all Cache entries. Examples: flush Global_
7300 Resolves a participant in the group and lists its address.
7301 Usage: %1!s! { ANY | REMOTE } <group P2PID> [ <cloud name> ] Remarks: Resolves a participant in the group and lists its address.
7302 Checks for connectivity to the remote group port.
7303 Usage: %1!s! [ <IPv6 addr> ] : Port Remarks: Checks for connectivity to the remote group port.
7304 Resolves a participant in the current node and lists its address.
7305 Usage: %1!s! <group P2PID> [ <cloud name> ] Remarks: Resolves a participant in the current node and lists its address.
7306 Lists ACL information.
7307 Usage: %1!s! { identity <identity P2PID> | db <identity P2PID> <group P2PID> | <File path> } Remarks: Lists ACL information.
7308 List database stats for given <identity P2PID> <group P2PID>.
7309 Usage: %1!s! <identity P2PID> <group P2PID> Remarks: Lists database stats for given <identity P2PID> <group P2PID>.
7310 Converts from peer names to DNS names and vice versa.
7311 Usage: %1!s! [peername=]<peer name> Parameters: peername - <canonical pnrp name>|<dns-encoded pnrp name> Remarks: Converts from peer names to DNS names and vice versa. Examples: show convertedname 0.anyname
7312 Enumerates a peer name in the specified cloud.
7313 Usage: %1!s! [peername=]<peer name> [cloud=]<cloud name> [[maxresults=]<number>] Parameters: peername - <canonical pnrp name>|<dns-encoded pnrp name> maxresults - should be a number between 1 and 500. Default is 50. cloud - The cloud where the enumeration should happen. Remarks: Enumerates a peer name in the specified cloud. The command finds as many entries as specified by the maxresults (or could complete when the resolutions are complete). Examples: enumerate 0.0 cloud=Global_ maxresults=2 enumerate peername=0.0 cloud=Global_
7314 Modifies PNRP SeedServer configuration parameter.
7315 Usage: %1!s! [seed=]{<hostname>|<IP address>|default} [cloud=]<cloud name> Parameters: seed - The seed-server value to be set in the registry. cloud - The cloud whose seed server should be set. Remarks: Modifies PNRP SeedServer configuration parameter. The seed server entry can contain several entries separated by ; Examples: set seed default Global_
7316 Modifies PNRP mode configuration parameter.
7317 Usage: %1!s! [[mode=]{Auto|RO|default}] [cloud=]<cloud name> Parameters: mode - The mode of the cloud. cloud - The cloud whose mode should be set. Remarks: Modifies PNRP mode configuration parameter. The mode can be one of the following: RO (Resolve-only), Auto, default Examples: set pnrpmode mode=default Global_ set pnrpmode RO Global_
7400 Scope Id Addr State Name ----- ----- ----- ---------------- -----
7401 %1!5u! %2!5u! %3!5u! %4!-16s! %5!s!
7402 Synchronize server: %1!s! Use Server: %2!s! Use SSDP: %3!s! Use Persisted cache: %4!s! Cloud Configured Mode: %5!s! Cloud Operational Mode: %6!s!
7403 IP Addresses: %1!s!
7404 %1!s!
7405 Number of cache entries: %1!u! Estimated cloud size: %2!u! Number of registered names: %3!u! Throttled resolves: %4!I64u! Throttled solicits: %5!I64u! Throttled floods: %6!I64u! Throttled repairs: %7!I64u!
7406 ADVERTISE returned %1!u! ID(s) in %2!u! milliseconds.
7407 %1!s!
7408 SOLICIT sent to address: %1!s!.
7409 %1!s!
7410 Peer names: %1!s!
7411 Resolve started...
7412 Found:
7413 Not Found.
7414 Timeout.
7415 Local Failure.
7416 Result not supported; skipping.
7417 Addresses: %1!s! %2!s!
7418 %1!s! %2!s!
7419 SOLICIT sent to address: %1!s!.
7420 ADVERTISE returned %1!u! ID(s).
7422 (Dead end)
7423 (Unreachable)
7424 (Loop)
7425 (Too busy)
7426 (Unknown ID)
7427 Suspicious
7428 %Accepted %1!-19s!
7429 Rejected %1!-19s! %2!s!
7430 Resolve Path (IP Address:Port, Absolute Nearness, Latency and Flag) :
7431 %1!s!
7434 P2P Name: %1!s! Identity: %2!s! Comment: %3!s! PNRP ID: %4!s! State: %5!s!
7435 IP Addresses: %1!s!
7436 %1!s!
7437 Default
7439 Failure (Error 0x%1!x!)
7440 Extended payload (string): %1!s!
7441 Extended payload (binary): %1!s!
7442 Machine Name: %1!s!
7443 There is no machine name set for publishing.
7444 The machine name is being published.
7445 The machine name is not being published.
7446 The machine name is configured to be published automatically.
7447 The machine name is not configured to be published automatically.
7448 Usage: netsh p2p pnrp peer set machinename [[name=]<PeerName>] [[publish=]Start|Stop] [[autopublish=]enable|disable] Parameters: Tag Value name - The name to use as the machine name. If value is null, a secured name will be automatically generated. publish - If set to 'start' will cause the name to start being published immediately. If set to 'stop', will stop the publication of the name. autopublish - Will set whether or not automatic publication is enabled. When autopublish is enabled, the machine automatically begins publishing the name at boot. Remarks: This command allows the user to control the publication of a Peer Name for the machine using the Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP). If you use this functionality, it will allow you to resolve the Peer Name of the this machine from other remote machines subject to network reachability. If you start publication through this command without setting a name, then a secured name will be automatically generated for you and will be visible through the 'show machinename' command. Example: set machinename publish=start autopublish=enable
7449 Use this format DNS name in other applications to refer to this machine: %1!s!
7450 The Peer Name that you have entered is invalid.
7501 Command not yet implemented.
7502 Virtual
7503 Synchronizing
7504 Active
7505 Dead
7506 Disabled
7507 No net
7508 Alone
7509 Unknown
7510 Disabled
7511 Not used
7512 No addresses
7513 DNS failed
7514 Connect failed
7515 Synchronized
7516 SSDP failed
7517 Used
7521 Auto
7522 Resolve Only
7531 Error 0x%1!x!.
7532 Cloud not found (error 0x%1!x!).
7533 Cloud not started (error 0x%1!x!).
7534 Destination did not respond (error 0x%1!x!).
7535 Peer name already registered.
7536 Peer name not registered.
7537 PNRP service not started (error 0x%1!x!).
7538 Cloud is disabled (error 0x%1!x!).
7539 Cloud is in Search Only mode (error 0x%1!x!).
7540 Cannot convert the PNRP name.
7541 Error: Host name not found in cache.
7551 Identity P2PID = %1!s!
7552 Identity P2PID = %1!s! (1 group)
7553 Identity P2PID = %1!s! (%2!u! groups)
7554 Peername = %1!s!
7555 Peername = %1!s! Friendly = %2!s!
7556 Group P2PID = %1!s! GMC chain len=%2!u!
7557 Peername = %1!s! Friendly = %2!s!
7558 Valid: Start = %1!u!/%2!u!/%3!u! %4!u!:%5!u!:%6!u! End =%7!u!/%8!u!/%9!u! %10!u!:%11!u!:%12!u! (%13!s!)
7559 Stats: %1!u! identities found, %2!u! with no groups.
7560 No identities to list.
7562 Cannot delete group from identity.
7563 No groups in the identity - cannot delete.
7564 Group %1!s! deleted from identity %2!s!.
7565 %1!u! out of %2!u! groups deleted from identity %3!s!.
7566 Cannot list.
7567 No identities to delete.
7568 Cannot delete identities.
7569 All %1!u! identities deleted.
7570 Identity deleted.
7571 P2PID for identity not found.
7572 P2PID for group not found.
7573 Cannot delete identity %1!s!.
7574 Cannot delete group %1!s! from identity %2!s!.
7575 %1!u! of %2!u! identities deleted.
7576 Cannot list groups for identity %1!s!.
7577 Identity %1!s! was not found.
7578 No groups to list.
7601 Resolving participant node...
7602 Found a participant node.
7603 Participant node is listening on following addresses:
7604 No participant found!
7605 No participant is listening on current node.
7606 %1!s!
7607 Peer name too long!
7608 Group Database Size: %1!u! bytes.
7609 Not able to get the database size!
7610 No address found!
7611 GroupPing successfully reached destination group port.
7612 GroupPing not able to reach the destination group port!
7613 Valid
7614 Invalid
7615 Expired
7616 Unknown
7617 DNS Name: %1!s!
7618 Peer Name: %1!s!
7619 Could not set value for cloud %1!s!.
7620 Set value for cloud %1!s! successfully.
7621 Could not get default %1!s! for %2!s!.
7622 Peer name already registered for all Clouds.
7623 Peer name already registered in Cloud: %1!s!
7624 Comment: %1!s!
7625 Peer name has been registered in all clouds
7626 Error: Pnrp Cloud is in Dead state

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: