Windows 8 DLL File Information
Welcome to DLL information site for Windows 8.
This site was built by scanning all DLL files located in system32 directory of Windows 8 and
creating (with automatic script) a Web page for each DLL with all found infromation.
Each DLL information page includes:
- Version information - product name, company, file desctiption, and so on.
- DLL popularity - Shows you how many DLLs are statically linked to this file.
- List of files that are statically linked to the specified file. Displayed only when the number of files in the list is 10 or less.
- Sections information - Shows you the code and data sections in the DLL.
- Resources information - Displays a summary of resources stored in the DLL (icons, bitmaps, cursors, dialog-boxes, and so on)
- Icons Thumbnail - A Thumbnail with all icons stored in the DLL.
- Cursors Thumbnail - A Thumbnail with all cursors stored in the DLL.
- Strings information - Displays a list of strings stored in this DLL (Currently the list is limited to 200 strings)
- Diaogbox information - Displays a list of dialog-boxes captions in this DLL (Currently the list is limited to 200 dialog-boxes)
- Static Linking - Displays the list of DLL files that are statically linked to the DLL. When a DLL is loaded the DLL in this Static Linking list are also loaded with it.
- Exports/Imports List - A list of all imported and exported functions.
In order to browse into the right DLL page, select the first letter of the DLL file, and then you'll get a list of all dll files begins with this letter:
Here's the list of all DLL files begin with 'M':
Filename | Description |
MCEWMDRMNDBootstrap.dll | Windows� Media Center WMDRM-ND Receiver Bridge Bootstrap DLL |
MFCaptureEngine.dll | Media Foundation CaptureEngine DLL |
MFMediaEngine.dll | Media Foundation Media Engine DLL |
MFPlay.dll | Media Foundation Playback API DLL |
MFWMAAEC.DLL | Windows Media Audio AEC for Media Foundation |
MMDevAPI.dll | MMDevice API |
MP3DMOD.DLL | Microsoft MP3 Decoder DMO |
MP43DECD.DLL | Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder |
MP4SDECD.DLL | Windows Media MPEG-4 S Video Decoder |
MPG4DECD.DLL | Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder |
MPSSVC.dll | Microsoft Protection Service |
MSAC3ENC.DLL | Microsoft AC-3 Encoder |
MSAudDecMFT.dll | Media Foundation Audio Decoders |
MSMPEG2ENC.DLL | Microsoft MPEG-2 Encoder |
MSVidCtl.dll | ActiveX control for streaming video |
MSVideoDSP.dll | Video Stabilization MFT |
MUILanguageCleanup.dll | MUI Callback for Language pack cleanup |
Magnification.dll | Microsoft Magnification API |
MaintenanceUI.dll | Maintenance Settings Control Panel |
MbaeApi.dll | Mobile Broadband Account Experience API |
MbaeApiPublic.dll | Mobile Broadband Account API |
MbaeXmlParser.dll | Mobile Broadband Account Experience Parser |
McxDriv.dll | Media Center Extender Resources |
MemoryDiagnostic.dll | Microsoft Windows Memory Diagnostic Task Handler |
MrmCoreR.dll | Microsoft Windows MRM |
MrmIndexer.dll | Microsoft Windows MRM |
MsCtfMonitor.dll | MsCtfMonitor DLL |
MsRdpWebAccess.dll | Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Web Access Control |
MsSpellCheckingFacility.dll | Microsoft Spell Checking Facility |
MsiCofire.dll | Corrupted MSI File Recovery Diagnostic Module |
mapi32.dll | Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT |
mapistub.dll | Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT |
mbsmsapi.dll | Microsoft Windows Mobile Broadband SMS API |
mbussdapi.dll | Microsoft Windows Mobile Broadband USSD API |
mciavi32.dll | Video For Windows MCI driver |
mcicda.dll | MCI driver for cdaudio devices |
mciqtz32.dll | DirectShow MCI Driver |
mciseq.dll | MCI driver for MIDI sequencer |
mciwave.dll | MCI driver for waveform audio |
mcupdate_AuthenticAMD.dll | AMD Microcode Update Library |
mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll | Intel Microcode Update Library |
mdminst.dll | Modem Class Installer |
mf.dll | Media Foundation DLL |
mf3216.dll | 32-bit to 16-bit Metafile Conversion DLL |
mfAACEnc.dll | Media Foundation AAC Encoder |
mfasfsrcsnk.dll | Media Foundation ASF Source and Sink DLL |
mfc40.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
mfc40u.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
mfc42.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
mfc42u.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
mfcore.dll | Media Foundation Core DLL |
mfcsubs.dll | COM+ |
mfds.dll | Media Foundation Direct Show wrapper DLL |
mfdvdec.dll | Media Foundation DV Decoder |
mferror.dll | Media Foundation Error DLL |
mfh264enc.dll | Media Foundation H264 Encoder |
mfmjpegdec.dll | Media Foundation MJPEG Decoder |
mfmp4srcsnk.dll | Media Foundation MPEG4 Source and Sink DLL |
mfmpeg2srcsnk.dll | Media Foundation MPEG2 Source and Sink DLL |
mfnetcore.dll | Media Foundation Net Core DLL |
mfnetsrc.dll | Media Foundation Net Source DLL |
mfplat.dll | Media Foundation Platform DLL |
mfps.dll | Media Foundation Proxy DLL |
mfreadwrite.dll | Media Foundation ReadWrite DLL |
mfsrcsnk.dll | Media Foundation Source and Sink DLL |
mfsvr.dll | Media Foundation Simple Video Renderer DLL |
mftranscode.dll | Media Foundation Transcode DLL |
mfvdsp.dll | Windows Media Foundation Video DSP Components |
mgmtapi.dll | Microsoft SNMP Manager API (uses WinSNMP) |
mi.dll | Management Infrastructure |
microsoft-windows-battery-events.dll | Microsoft-Windows-Battery-Events Resources |
microsoft-windows-hal-events.dll | Microsoft-Windows-HAL-Events Resources |
microsoft-windows-kernel-pnp-events.dll | Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Pnp-Events Resources |
microsoft-windows-kernel-power-events.dll | Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power-Events Resources |
microsoft-windows-kernel-processor-power-events.dll | Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power-Events Resources |
microsoft-windows-pdc.dll | Microsoft-Windows-Pdc Resources |
microsoft-windows-processor-aggregator-events.dll | Microsoft-Windows-Processor-Aggregator-Events Resources |
midimap.dll | Microsoft MIDI Mapper |
migflt.dll | PBR Wim Capture Utility - Filter DLL |
migisol.dll | Migration System Isolation Layer |
miguiresource.dll | MIG wini32 resources |
mimefilt.dll | MIME Filter |
miutils.dll | Management Infrastructure |
mlang.dll | Multi Language Support DLL |
mmcbase.dll | MMC Base DLL |
mmci.dll | Media class installer |
mmcico.dll | Media class co-installer |
mmcndmgr.dll | MMC Node Manager DLL |
mmcshext.dll | MMC Shell Extension DLL |
mmcss.dll | Multimedia Class Scheduler Service |
mmres.dll | General Audio Resources |
modemui.dll | Windows Modem Properties |
montr_ci.dll | Microsoft Monitor Class Installer |
moricons.dll | Windows NT Setup Icon Resources Library |
mpr.dll | Multiple Provider Router DLL |
mprapi.dll | Windows NT MP Router Administration DLL |
mprddm.dll | Demand Dial Manager Supervisor |
mprdim.dll | Dynamic Interface Manager |
mprext.dll | Multiple Provider Router Extension DLL |
mprmsg.dll | Multi-Protocol Router Service Messages DLL |
msTextPrediction.dll | Microsoft TextPrediction DLL |
msaatext.dll | Active Accessibility text support |
msacm32.dll | Microsoft ACM Audio Filter |
msafd.dll | Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider |
msasn1.dll | ASN.1 Runtime APIs |
msaudite.dll | Security Audit Events DLL |
mscandui.dll | MSCANDUI Server DLL |
mscat32.dll | MSCAT32 Forwarder DLL |
msched.dll | Maintenance Scheduler |
msclmd.dll | Microsoft Class Mini-driver |
mscms.dll | Microsoft Color Matching System DLL |
mscoree.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine |
mscorier.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime IE resources |
mscories.dll | Microsoft .NET IE SECURITY REGISTRATION |
mscpx32r.dLL | ODBC Code Page Translator Resources |
mscpxl32.dLL | ODBC Code Page Translator |
msctf.dll | MSCTF Server DLL |
msctfp.dll | MSCTFP Server DLL |
msctfui.dll | MSCTFUI Server DLL |
msdadiag.dll | Built-In Diagnostics |
msdart.dll | OLE DB Runtime Routines |
msdelta.dll | Microsoft Patch Engine |
msdmo.dll | DMO Runtime |
msdri.dll | Microsoft Digital Receiver Interface Class Driver |
msdrm.dll | Windows Rights Management client |
msdtcVSp1res.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Resources for Vista SP1 |
msdtckrm.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator OLE Transactions KTM Resource Manager DLL |
msdtclog.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Log Manager DLL |
msdtcprx.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator OLE Transactions Interface Proxy DLL |
msdtctm.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Transaction Manager DLL |
msdtcuiu.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Administrative DLL |
msexch40.dll | Microsoft Jet Exchange Isam |
msexcl40.dll | Microsoft Jet Excel Isam |
msfeeds.dll | Microsoft Feeds Manager |
msfeedsbs.dll | Microsoft Feeds Background Sync |
msftedit.dll | Rich Text Edit Control, v7.5 |
mshtml.dll | Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer |
mshtmled.dll | Microsoft� HTML Editing Component |
mshtmler.dll | Microsoft� HTML Editing Component's Resource DLL |
msi.dll | Windows Installer |
msidcrl40.dll | Microsoft� Account Dynamic Link Library |
msident.dll | Microsoft Identity Manager |
msidle.dll | User Idle Monitor |
msidntld.dll | Microsoft Identity Manager |
msieftp.dll | Microsoft Internet Explorer FTP Folder Shell Extension |
msihnd.dll | Windows� installer |
msiltcfg.dll | Windows Installer Configuration API Stub |
msimg32.dll | GDIEXT Client DLL |
msimsg.dll | Windows� Installer International Messages |
msimtf.dll | Active IMM Server DLL |
msisip.dll | MSI Signature SIP Provider |
msiwer.dll | MSI Windows Error Reporting |
msjet40.dll | Microsoft Jet Engine Library |
msjetoledb40.dll | Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet |
msjint40.dll | Microsoft Jet Database Engine International DLL |
msjter40.dll | Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL |
msjtes40.dll | Microsoft Jet Expression Service |
mskeyprotcli.dll | Windows Client Key Protection Provider |
mskeyprotect.dll | Microsoft Key Protection Provider |
msls31.dll | Microsoft Line Services library file |
msltus40.dll | Microsoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 Isam |
msmpeg2adec.dll | Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder |
msmpeg2vdec.dll | Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder |
msnetobj.dll | DRM ActiveX Network Object |
msobjs.dll | System object audit names |
msoeacct.dll | Microsoft Internet Account Manager |
msoert2.dll | Microsoft Windows Mail RT Lib |
msorc32r.dll | ODBC Driver for Oracle Resources |
msorcl32.dll | ODBC Driver for Oracle |
mspatcha.dll | Microsoft File Patch Application API |
mspatchc.dll | Microsoft Patch Creation Engine |
mspbde40.dll | Microsoft Jet Paradox Isam |
msports.dll | Ports Class Installer |
msprivs.dll | Microsoft Privilege Translations |
msrahc.dll | Remote Assistance Diagnostics Provider |
msrating.dll | Internet Ratings and Local User Management DLL |
msrd2x40.dll | Microsoft (R) Red ISAM |
msrd3x40.dll | Microsoft (R) Red ISAM |
msrdc.dll | Remote Differential Compression COM server |
msrepl40.dll | Microsoft Replication Library |
msrle32.dll | Microsoft RLE Compressor |
msscntrs.dll | PKM Perfmon Counter DLL |
msscp.dll | Windows Media Secure Content Provider |
mssha.dll | Windows Security Health Agent |
msshavmsg.dll | Windows Security Health Agent Validator Message |
msshooks.dll | Microsoft Search Hooks |
mssign32.dll | Microsoft Trust Signing APIs |
mssip32.dll | MSSIP32 Forwarder DLL |
mssitlb.dll | mssitlb |
mssph.dll | Microsoft Search Protocol Handler |
mssphtb.dll | Outlook MSSearch Connector |
mssprxy.dll | Microsoft Search Proxy |
mssrch.dll | Microsoft Embedded Search |
mssvp.dll | MSSearch Vista Platform |
mstask.dll | Task Scheduler interface DLL |
mstext40.dll | Microsoft Jet Text Isam |
mstscax.dll | Remote Desktop Services ActiveX Client |
msutb.dll | MSUTB Server DLL |
msv1_0.dll | Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0 |
msvbvm60.dll | Visual Basic Virtual Machine |
msvcirt.dll | Windows NT IOStreams DLL |
msvcp110_clr0400.dll | Microsoft� C Runtime Library |
msvcp60.dll | Windows NT C++ Runtime Library DLL |
msvcr100_clr0400.dll | Microsoft� .NET Framework |
msvcr110_clr0400.dll | Microsoft� C Runtime Library |
msvcrt.dll | Windows NT CRT DLL |
msvcrt20.dll | Microsoft� C Runtime Library |
msvcrt40.dll | VC 4.x CRT DLL (Forwarded to msvcrt.dll) |
msvfw32.dll | Microsoft Video for Windows DLL |
msvidc32.dll | Microsoft Video 1 Compressor |
msvproc.dll | Media Foundation Video Processor |
mswdat10.dll | Microsoft Jet Sort Tables |
mswmdm.dll | Windows Media Device Manager Core |
mswsock.dll | Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider |
mswstr10.dll | Microsoft Jet Sort Library |
msxbde40.dll | Microsoft Jet xBASE Isam |
msxml3.dll | MSXML 3.0 |
msxml3r.dll | XML Resources |
msxml6.dll | MSXML 6.0 |
msxml6r.dll | XML Resources |
msyuv.dll | Microsoft UYVY Video Decompressor |
mtxclu.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Failover Clustering Support DLL |
mtxdm.dll | COM+ |
mtxex.dll | COM+ |
mtxlegih.dll | COM+ |
mtxoci.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Database Support DLL for Oracle |
muifontsetup.dll | MUI Callback for font registry settings |
mycomput.dll | Computer Management |
mydocs.dll | My Documents Folder UI |