Hash Check For Downloaded Tools

You can use the following hashes to verify that the file you downloaded is identical to the file on the nirsoft.net server. When there are multiple downloads for the same software, you should compare the hashes of the same filename that you downloaded. You can click the hash in order to copy the hash to the clipboard.
Optionally, you can use the HashMyFiles tool to calculate the hashes of downloaded files and then when you click the hash on this Web page and it's copied to the clipboard, HashMyFiles automatically marks the file in light-green color if the hashes are identical.

You can also use the BrowserDownloadsView tool to automatically calculate the hash of downloaded files. Simply select one or more download items in the main window of BrowserDownloadsView, and from the right-click context menu choose the desired hash (MD5 or SHA1 or SHA256 or SHA512) and the calculated hash will appear under the hash column. After the hash is calculated, you can press Ctrl+H to copy the hash to the clipboard.

Be aware that the hashes in this page are updated every few minutes. If you download a file immediately after a new release, you might see here the hashes of previous file.

What to do if the hash on your system is different from the hash displayed on this Web page ?

  • Check if you have any Antivirus or Firewall that blocked the downloaded file or put it in quarantine. There are some Antivirus programs that may detect the downloaded file as a threat and modify it without telling you.
  • Try to clear the cache of your Web browser and download the file again or try to download the file from another Web browser.

Filename simplewmiview.zip
Download URL https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/simplewmiview.zip
File Size 77025 Bytes
Update Time June 29 2023 13:15:49
MD5 Hash 4cd1c38ee84a51e720be3b9f9c6e3702
SHA1 Hash fc758e53d5f1d201e01e6f2fda4b58815c021f77
SHA256 Hash 34b66ccfe77d178d611dfe6a0e11fc4731873014c17444dbeb35a09178d4cdec
SHA512 Hash b61139a98c892b0495a6977fbb92b5a1b231eef0202090b3f81e449d1b9486f52338cc50192caafe9e250e67c3fb6fedcebe1fa322a40d197096dab7561968ae

Filename simplewmiview-x64.zip
Download URL https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/simplewmiview-x64.zip
File Size 94664 Bytes
Update Time June 29 2023 13:15:49
MD5 Hash 15b22a01871bfc84d8c22593a04c55f8
SHA1 Hash ceb7ab26e82de207b9c2924c77756a6b4ae35706
SHA256 Hash 30941e8a9b19c06328843277800d2b8aa46bc5fb1a8d5e3b2ba0cc47a02e4559
SHA512 Hash 2a454bf32afbefe97a2ea74247e4b1646ba60e940742de34d5aabf9a18f6b09f5054b0bfeab1769ef7f09742c494e47113e3e9e564a21e585c57254aaca64443

Filename SimpleWMIView.exe
Stored In https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/simplewmiview.zip
File Size 109896 Bytes
Update Time June 29 2023 20:15:44
MD5 Hash a356b6490d5a6a2ec0af95084d4c4983
SHA1 Hash 44390deb02a61183ec52a2e90d2df6b450e4e822
SHA256 Hash 71dbda32eabecc68b1b9750dbff3b47d1e5b808cfaaa2d19ccb7bf5d5d598dd6
SHA512 Hash b9a0dbdda53551d16320657be92cd6cd1a49bbdb3e5e07c61a09e4705e9c121b3527ea593802fad1aaa7a7e21ec95d0bf2637e1a7a435d4818e89a83056b3b17

Filename SimpleWMIView.exe
Stored In https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/simplewmiview-x64.zip
File Size 153928 Bytes
Update Time June 29 2023 20:15:48
MD5 Hash 2ae737eb0fbd5470d3c995f47ddf3fac
SHA1 Hash 18363a4c7c1be9b8b8340dede40bdf058f1b458b
SHA256 Hash 411299b7e7393e17a14b68eade0117a53fcc82b5833131fab4aa2189a779b496
SHA512 Hash f1b45e6492bb3a425ab621e11d51e474448da4b7fff5728482cc3f1d040bd997b8da7fbd3c1d4dd737cc240b39028b9fa62801034980d1efa8e5935b3ab62c8e

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